Sunday, June 14, 2015

My rights still matter today.

Although the constitution was created centuries ago, it still has an impact on my life today. Because of the constitution, I am able to do multiple things such as voicing my own opinion. Due to my ancestors risking their lives and fighting so much, I'm able to go to school everyday and receive an education. Because of them, I'm able to do this project and take this class. Thanks to my ancestors and many others before me, not only do I have the right to vote as a young women, but I have the right to do so as a young African American woman. Without the sacrifices those made before me, I wouldn't be able to vote. But since they did fight for my rights, I am now registered today and will be able to vote by the next election. I also have a right to my privacy which I think was very much needed. There are many rights that affect my life and my peers today. I am thankful for all the sacrifices made for me.

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